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RHI Pastor & Leader Day Retreat

The Cedar Shack

Restoring Hearts International Pastor & Leader Day Retreat 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 
Matthew 11:28-30 

Welcome to RHI's Day Retreat for pastors and leaders, a wooden cabin overlooking water and trees. Rest in silence with the One who dwells in the quiet. Be renewed with quality time set aside to enjoy His Word and hot meals. Be restored by the Holy Spirit ministering to you in the secret place. 

The retreat includes access to the land and ammenities surrounding it. Enjoy a walk around the lake, sit on the dock, ride on a pedal boat, canoe, kayak, or enjoy catch and release fishing. Be sure to visit with our sweet East Friesian sheep and spend time with the chickens. During warmer months, explore the greenhouse and you-pick flower garden, or just reflect and pray in the sukkah or or in the hammocks around a campfire. Meals, snacks and drinks are provided. There is no charge for the day retreat.

Due to a large number of requests, we ask that you please wait at least one year before re-booking.

The Cedar Shack

To reserve your retreat, email us at Be sure to include your name, contact information and leadership role in your message. 

This day retreat is made possible with donations and support from sales at The Cedar Shack.  If you feel led to support our mission, love offerings can be made to Restoring Hearts International which is a 501c3 organization at  

In addition to the Pastors and Leaders Day Retreat,  RHI provides free weekly massage services and meals for those in need as well as free meals, groceries, diapers, infant formula and household items to 150 people in need on a monthly basis. 

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