
I started drawing as a child and have always wanted to be an artist, eventually attending art school and majoring in graphic design. I met Jesus while going through a rough time and started attending church. After practicing art as a hobby for nearly 30 years, God provided a vision of a picture I was to make while worshipping in church. I don’t know why, but I just laughed. The vision happened two more times in the following weeks. Although I laughed again, God had my attention. I understood He wanted me to make the picture from the vision. The challenge was the picture was unlike anything I had ever made so I didn’t know how to start. As I sat down to create, the picture flowed out of me like nothing I had ever experienced. Shockingly, it was exactly like the vision. My art transitioned from the pen and ink I had formerly used to colorful paintings incorporating mixed media. Some have pieces of written prayers and some have scriptures from the Bible included in creative ways that one may miss with a casual glance. Every piece is prayed over, and my goal through art is to bring people closer to Jesus, to feel His presence, peace, joy and love. Everything created is from the Father and for the Father.
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
~Romans 8:28